
Our collaborators include a number of leading research providers and international agricultural companies.

Scoresby, Australia
Advanced Molecular Technologies

Melbourne, Australia
Assessing the insecticidal activity of our molecules against a range of insect species

Melbourne, Australia
Chemistry Process Development

Brisbane, Australia
Assessing activity against grain storage pests

Orange, Australia
Assessing the insecticidal activity of our molecules against a range of insect species

Grain storage collaboration

Queensland, Australia
Improving Qcide oil production through tree improvement & engineering solutions

Melbourne, Australia
Undertaking mode of action studies

Indiana, USA
Assessing the insecticidal activity of our molecules against a number of insect species and undertaking mode of action studies

Lismore, Australia
Chemical analysis of natural products

Gainsville, Florida, USA
Flying pests

Sydney, Australia
Assessing the insecticidal activity of our molecules against a range of insect species

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